Veggie Patch

At the Waverley Montessori Preschool, we are introducing the children to sustainability by growing a little vegetable patch in our backyard.

After one false start with the veggie path after the possums or birds ate all our seedlings, we were off to a good start. The children have planted a range of vegetables including lettuce, spinach, beetroot and strawberries. We also planted a herb patch which consists of coriander, basil, parsley and lemongrass.

While planting the seedlings we explained to the children the health benefits of eating our vegetables and how herbs can help make our food taste yummier.

And the second time around, we made sure to place a net around the patch so that no cheeky animals could find their way in!

Until next time,

Mrs. Zarine


Welcome to 2016

Welcome to all the new children at the Waverley Montessori Preschool. We are happy to say that everyone has settled really well into the classroom. And of course, welcome back to all the older children as well who have had a good break over christmas and have now advanced to challenging Montessori activities.

At the Waverley Montessori Preschool we have the full range of Montessori work from sensorial to language and mathematics.  New children are introduced to the basic work which they focus on mastering prior to being introduced to advanced tasks.

The theme for the classroom this year is the ‘States of Australia’ and this term we are focusing on Victoria. For show and tell everyday we ask children to bring something about Victoria. Children are eagerly bringing photos and souvenirs about Victoria and it is so lovely to watch their enthusiasm. We also discuss the different virtues during the term and our virtue for this week is respect. It is amazing how children grasps the concept and practice it in the classroom. We encourage parents to continue this discussion about respect and the different virtues at home.

I am really looking forward to this year with this lovely group of children. They have settled in the classroom and into the routine well, and are so interested in learning!